David Keenan, Peter Brötzmann, Han Bennink - Schwarzwaldfahrt 1977
Magical document of a moment when Peter Brötzmann and Han Bennink went deep into the Black Forest with cameras and recording equipment to capture
Publisher: Wolke Verlag / ISBN: 9783955931353
Medium: Book + CD
Categories: Books & Magazines, Records & Tapes.
Tags: '70s, Field Recordings, Free Jazz, Germany, Percussion, Saxophone.

Gottfried Michael Koening - Process and Form: Selected Writings on Music
Writings and conversations (1954–2001) most of them in English translation for the first time – document his exploration of serial and aleatoric techniques,..(read more)
Publisher: Wolke Verlag / ISBN: 9783955930905
Author: Gottfried Michael Koening
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '50s, '60s, Avant-Garde, Composers, Electronic Music.

Julia H. Schröder and Volker Straebel (Eds.) - Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Reader
Postgraduate program of the Berlin University of the Arts. A range of perspectives and methodologies in the area of sound studies and sonic theory.
Publisher: Wolke Verlag / ISBN: 9783955931360
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Music Theory, Sound Art, Sound Studies.

Irene Lehmann and Pia Palme (Eds.) - Sounding Fragilities – An Anthology
Essays and discussions on contemporary music, dance and music theatre, presenting female* composers who write with/through/about their own practice
Publisher: Wolke Verlag / ISBN: 9783955931292
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Composers, Contemporary, Sound Studies.

Burkhard Beins, Christian Kesten, Gisela Nauck and Andrea Neumann - Echtzeitmusik Berlin
Shaped by the perspectives of participants and various observers, the book Echtzeitmusik – Self-Defining a Scene investigates, documents, and reflects on ..(read more)
Publisher: Wolke Verlag / ISBN 978-3-936000-82-5
Medium: Book
Categories: Books & Magazines, Second Hand.
Tags: Berlin, Improvisation.